Saturday, January 24, 2009

Heather's Tag Response

I was tagged by my niece, I'm not sure what that really means, but I was told to post the 6th picture from my 6th folder of pictures and tell the story, so Heather this is for you.
This is one of our hundreds of hospital visits to Dupont Hospital in Delaware since June of 2006. This was May of 2007. Gavin was almost 1 years old. He is still tiny and fragile looking. When Madi younger, she would spend alot of time sitting in Gavin's Crib with him either watching TV or playing. Now she has gotten so big that this doesn't happen as much. My Arm is in a sling because I had just had shoulder surgery. I was having a great deal of shoulder pain and it got to the point where it was intolerable. I went into surgery expecting to have orthoscopic surgery and have four little holes, and came out of surgery with a two inch incision and minus the end of my shoulder bone. It was following this that I discovered my love of Morphine drips. I had a Pic line and a pump and was in heaven. It also was a time in which my sisters and mother in law were wonderful, I would wake up and find one of them sitting by my bedside at home. Apparantly I was quite entertaining to those sitting there, although I don't remember any of it. Anyway, now I have the same pain in my other shoulder and the only thing that is keeping me from having the surgery again and getting the morphine pump is that my supposedly fixed shoulder still hurts.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bless those who love us!!!!!

It has been so long since I wrote, I forgot my password. Either it really was that long, or I am just slipping into forgetfulness. I have been struggling to sit down and organize my thoughts. My darling oldest, Jenny blogged me reminding me that my "two fans (Jenny and Jim)" are looking for a new blog.

It is hard to believe that my Baby, Karen, has just celebrated her 5th wedding anniversary. Jim and I were able to spend the daywith Gavin and Madi, so they could go celebrate. We had a wonderful time with the kids, all day long, but once Karen and Adam came home and left with our little angels. Jim reminded me of what the most special part of the day was. He turned to me as we were talking and said "The best part of the day was that Karen did not call the entire time they were out." Trully, he hit it right on the mark, it warms my heart to think that they were able to have six hours to just be Karen and Adam. (If you don't know about what their life is life visit We had fun talking to Madi about Mommy and Daddy being out on a special anniversary date and had her giggling when we were pretending, "Oh Karen I love you, Kiss, kiss, smooch smooch, Oh Adam i love you too kiss, kiss smooch, smooch." She was laughing so hard and rolling on the floor. We had a great day of playing just the four of us. It is so hard not to tire out our little Gavi, becuase he has so much fun playing and just being a 2 1/2 year old. It is hard to remember to take breaks and have quiet time for him. We did better today at remembering to use Mommy and Daddy's words and tell him to relax. At which he drops his head to his chest and sighs. How precious.

When Karen and Adam returned home, it was so funny to hear their story about their time togeather. It is scary how much your adult children sound like your own experiences. I love my girls more than anything, but poor Adam, Jim and him have more in common then they think. Adam's attempts at romance led to responses that were probably not what Adam was expecting, ( or maybe he was and was just trying to see what would happen). Karen like her mother does not respond well to spotlights or social situations. It reminded me of so many times that Jim has tried to shower me with something loving or romantic and my response was not so typical in return. I am not a social person and my insecurites abound in a social setting. Anyway, unfortunatley like mother like daughter. But God Bless those who love us !!!!!

I have found the perfect match, someone who is the total opposite of me in many ways, yet is tolerant and accepting of my own faults even when they are so far out of what he can understand. Jim had to do a Personality Test for work the other day and he brought it home and over dinner said that he was sure that if we did it for me I would score completly opposite of him on every point. We did the test and no surprise, We are total opposites and match on nothing. If we had to depend on "Match.Com" forget it we would of never been matched 18 years ago.

Till We blog again
By the way excellent movie recommendation from someone who can never remember watching a movie and many times watches an entire movie and never knows I have just seen it the previous year. --- Calendar Girls and Gran Torino