Saturday, November 22, 2008

Learning to balance

Well we are getting ready to go to our first holiday party. Thank goodness it is casual tonight, as I don't seem to have anything I really like in my closet anymore. But that aside, really what I am thinking about tonight is balance. It is amazing to me how we create balance in our emotional life that we have right now. Even though every moment of every day is spent worrying about our grandson, how our granddaughter is coping and how to love and support our kids through an experience most parents never have to deal with, we still seem to find a balance. Some days are easier than others. Taking a vacation farther than 2 hours is not doable, but creating vacation memories close to home with Gavin for as long as he is with us and Madi is. Planning for the holidays has been an emotional roller coaster over the last two years, are we going to celebrate it hear at home or will Gavin be in the hospital, so we visit Boston Market for a Thanksgiving feast to go. He has yet to be home for this holiday, but we still have a dinner fit for a king it is just held in the hospital. Trying to create normalcy out of what is chaos. Today has been a tough day for me emotionally, Our little Gavin is very sick with bugs, yet he is not symptomatic as he should be, what does this mean keeps running through my head, is his little body just to tired of fighting off anything, or is it just going to rear it's ugly head in another form.

Is this the time, he develops a superbug which because of all the medicine he has been on for so long, and they cannot find an antibiotic to fix him? Or as in Gavin style, will he fight his way through and be home by Thanksgiving. I guess were all this rambling is leading, is that even though it is a struggle to try and live life and not focus on the struggle we are faced with, we all still do. My Children are amazing and do such a great job of creating normalcy and balance for themselves and Madison. I admire them and truly am so proud of them both. Karen and Adam are truly examples of how to be a good parent. Tonight as i was putting on my last touches of eye shadow, my cell phone rang, I ran for it, frightened that it would be bad news from the hospital only to be greeted by "Nana, I have something to tell You, I am at the movies with Mommy." in her ever so excited voice. This is my daughter creating balance for her daughter, so if she can do it I most certainly can.

PS if you stopping by to visit for the first time, welcome and to learn about Gavin's little life of 2years 5 months visit

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